Okay, so you meet a group of people at an important meeting, and you want to gather their personal information (phone, e-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) quickly and accurately. What if each person had their own personal/customizable QR tag that you could scan with your phone?
What’s a QR Tag? You have seen them! Those curious little square barcodes seem to be everywhere now, including on transit advertisements.
But why shouldn’t a QR barcode be a tool that everyone can use? Well, now it is! The creators goal is to create the first QR code that is fun, flashy, and wearable. Wear it around your neck, or put it on your keys and keep your professional or personal info close, secure, but accessible with the touch of a button.
The goal for this project is to launch the first pieces of the wearable QR tags — a staple piece that can be worn around the neck or on your keys. It is has a 100% surgical silicon base, with slick designs and a durable epoxy layer so your QR code never fades or scratches. The owner wanted to raise $4,000 to launch the project, but raised only $1,000 from backers.
Asif Zamir